How do you design a fashion product?
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How do you design a fashion product?

Learn the principles of product design and discover how to build fashion products by following our Be A Designer method When you start building a collection, you must always keep in mind that it is born within a well-defined ecosystem and must respect its rules in order to always be coherent. To make fashion, we do not...

Collection ready and brand in mind? Tips on how to start your own fashion start-up.

Collection ready and brand in mind? Tips on how to start your own fashion start-up.

Fashion Start-Up from dream in the drawer to project Collection ready and Brand in the head? Tips on how to start your own Start-Up. There comes a point in every creative or designer's life where they decide to get involved. It doesn't matter if it happens right after finishing fashion school or academia or after...

Do YOU also want to be a designer? Everything that fashion schools don't teach you
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Do YOU also want to be a designer? Everything that fashion schools don't teach you

Among the many things we Italians are good at (and are recognised worldwide), fashion undoubtedly stands out. Even without being great experts or true aficionados, we can easily name many designers: Giorgio Armani, Miuccia Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo and so on, fascinating stories of people who, with their...