Do you want people to read what you write? Write for SEO

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Corrado Manenti
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Increase your online visibility with SEO writing techniques and entice readers to interact with your content.

Even if a corporate blog is quite different from a personal one, we must not forget that a blog still needs readers: a blog that does not get read is a blog that does not convert, and a blog that does not convert is a waste of time and resources.

If you want what you write to be read, the first tools you can use are search engines, which are not the enemy of creativity, as we have been led to believe for years. You want people to read you? Write for SEO.

A person using a laptop to write for SEO.

Being among the first results on search engines

is not important, it's the only thing that matters, especially in historical times like these where paid traffic is becoming more and more expensive!

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and determines the visibility of a site or web page on the major search engines. Good SEO positioning improves organic or natural traffic, i.e. that which is not generated by your paid advertisements.

In practice, having well-optimised content makes your site rank among the first results in Google searches, i.e. among the only ones everyone reads. That is why meeting search engine standards is not important, it is the only thing that matters.

We can safely overlook the fact that, to be well indexed, a site must have original, quality content. By now, this is a phrase heard so many times by those involved in writing for the web that it almost seems like 'a thing to be said'. So, let's assume that your posts are not the result of some copy-paste and that you have chosen keywords relevant to what you do.

Writing for SEO is actually writing for your potential customer. That is why almost everything said about it is wrong. Writing for SEO is, simply put, writing something that matters to your reader, and that they can find with a Google search.

A person writing on a piece of paper to improve SEO.

Imagine that your reader comes to you via Google

You have to devise a path that attracts his attention and guides him through your virtual shop until he arrives at the checkout with his cart full.

Imagine that your customer does an online search and as a result of this search arrives at your blog. You have to make this happen, and then retain it as much as possible.

Since earning money from a blog is related to conveying your professionalism and building loyalty that will in time convert readers into customers, you must try to think about your strengths and the services you offer from the perspective of your target audience.

What could he be interested in? What problems might he want to solve? What might he want from you?

A woman using a laptop computer for SEO writing on a wooden table.

Want advice on your editorial strategy?

Within the project Be A Designer we offer a consultancy and copywriting service tailored to your needs


Corrado Manenti, the designer of designers, showcases his work in Elementor Single Article #3277.
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